Our morning work this week is matching letters, visual discrimination "which one is different?" and building letters with counters.
The kids were invited to create a snowflake. They were given colored water, paint, glue, glitter, eye droppers, coffee filters and scissors. Their creations are beautiful! Each tried to make their own snowflake using scissors and coffee filters; some asked if they could use my snowflakes I made, but they all gave it a try! We discussed why snowflakes are so special; they are all different! We also made "Dancing Icicles". We talked about ice; ice is stiff and cold. Icicles grow when it slowly melts and then freezes again. We danced with our dancing icicles and made snowflake shapes with their bodies; feet apart and arms up wide!
What do you think will happen to a pinecone if you put it in water? We did a pinecone experiment! We immersed a pinecone in water and let it sit for a while. Then we compared a dried pinecone to a wet pinecone. They learned the wet ones close up and the dry ones are open!
We finished off the week with a snowstorm painting. They were given black paper, white paper, blue paper, glue, white paint and bubble wrap to create their paintings. A snowstorm picture was provided and we talked about how they could use their supplies to create their own.