Happy Halloween! Some of the cutest little ghosts and goblins were here today! Have a fun and safe evening.
This week we finished up life around the pond and we talked all about pond Plants. We talked about lily pads, cattail plants and plants that are submerged in the pond. We took a field trip to the greenbelt so they could actually see cattails and explore around the pond. They created their own lake scene using paint & mini popsicle sticks to use as cattails. Their creations were fantastic! We started the letter Kk. We played a phonic pond game where each child rolled the game cube and identified the letter. They would move their frog to the next picture on the board that begins with that letter.
The younger kids painted pumpkins this week. I put white paper and orange paint in a plastic bag and they swirled the paint all over the paper with their fingers. Once dry, I cut in the shape of a pumpkin and they added a handprint vine and stem. The weather was beautiful and they had so much fun playing, raking and shoveling the leafs! They learned all about teamwork. One would rake and the other would shovel it was great to observe them working together and most of all having fun! We started a new unit this week; At the Pond. We learned about life around the pond this week. We made a turtle and learned they must be very patient because they are slow. They hide in their shell to keep safe. We also made a snake and tadpole dancing tails.
Letter Pp was introduced and we played in the fall & Halloween sensory bins! All about Fall! We talked about the season and colors of Fall. We created our own leafs with shaving cream and paint. We learned all about the letter Ff.
We also celebrated another birthday! |
October 2024
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