The older kids cut out shapes for their names the younger kids snipped paper.
Today we built the letter Bb using letter builders, paper and made a bumble bee. For our fine motor skills we cut yarn and used glue to make a fuzzy bear and we drew a portrait of a friend! The older kids cut out shapes for their names the younger kids snipped paper.
Paul Bunyan has a big blue ox named Babe and a cow named Bessie. An ox is a strong animal that can haul heavy loads. Today we read Babe & Bessie and expirmented mixing blue and yellow together. We used a sponge and paint brush and explored how the colors changed.
For our fine motor we filled in or dotted circles. We painted our names today and sorted upper case and lower case Bb. They all did such great work! When Paul Bunyan was a baby he was very large. We can measure our growth by weighing ourselves and measuring how tall we are. Today we measured everyone to see who was the tallest and who was the shortest. We have all changed a lot since we were babies. We were smaller and didn't know how to walk. Today we drew a picture of ourselves when were babies, how we think we may have looked and framed our drawings. I showed the kids a picture of me when I was a baby, I am not sure they believed it was me!
The characters in this fable are a family of mice and a cat. The moral teaches us to be brave when you are scared. Mice use their big ears to listen for sounds. Today we created a mouse headband.
We played roll and color; each child took turns rolling a dice and identified the number on top, then colored an egg or chick with the matching number. There was a color code on the bottom of the sheet for the kiddos to follow. In our fine motor journals we also rolled a dice, found the corresponding box and number, and used stickers to put in the boxes. Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend! This fable tells the story a milkmaid and her pail of milk. The moral teaches us to stay focused on one task and not be distracted by other things.
Today they pretended to spill milk! We used white crayons, paint, and cotton balls to create our own unique design. Some used paint brushes, others used both cotton balls and paint brushes! We also spilled real milk to see how it spreads! For our fine motor practice we painted with our fingertips and traced circles. The characters in this fable are a mother crab and her son. The moral teaches us to set a good example for others. Cc is for crab! They get around by moving sideways. Today we created a crab with a C cut out and wiggle eyes.
For our fine motor we rubbed crayons and wrote the letter Cc in our fine motor journals. The characters in this fable are a group of boys and a family of frogs. The moral teaches us to think about others and their feelings.
Frogs are quite amazing! These small amphibians begin life underwater then are able to breathe on land when they've grown. They long legs allow them to jump up to 20 times their own height. Today we created flip frog art using flip frogs and paint. They could flip their frog or use as a stamping tool to create frog prints on their paper. By using their fingers, children discovered how to make their frog jump and move on their paper. Through these experiences children can pretend and experiment with an interesting artistic tool. We created more patterns using circles and for fine motor we cut pieces of paper to make hair and glue onto paper. We also made Bb's in our journals! Today we read The Crow and The Pitcher. This fable tells the story of a crow and a pitcher of water. The moral teaches us to think about how to solve problems.
We used a glass vase, marked with tape where the water started, the kids took turns adding beads, watching the water rise and then we added a small apple.They made a crow puppet and the older kids selected a alphabet phonic card, said the letter, stated the picture and wrote the letter on a pitcher! We explored with tangrams and shape design mats. Our fine motor was tearing or cutting paper and putting inside a banana outline. This fable tells the story of a dog, a bone and his reflection. The moral teaches us to be thankful for what we have. We talked about what could make a dog happy, what could make a dog sad. Dogs love to chew bones. Today they created their own dog mask with bone cut outs. They were give a piece of foam to cut for the nose! Now they can wear their dog mask and see their reflection in the mirror, like the story we ready today!
For our fine motor we cut confetti to glue. More scissor skill practice!! If they struggle with scissors they are given the option to tear paper. We drew lines in our journals today as well for fine motor practice. The characters in this fable are a tortoise and a hare. The moral teaches us to preserve and never give up. We made tortoise and hair puppets so they can retell the story.
October 2024
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