Green, green and more green! We even made green pancakes today and everyone loved them. We made hats, rainbows, shamrocks, and green collages.
We have been very busy making UFO's, learning about all the different planets. One day we made space dough. We made yellow for the sun and blue and sparkles for other planets and rocks. We've been busy but with this nice weather we've sneaked in a few field trips to the park too!
This month your child will explore the Sun, clouds, moon, stars and planets. We will make rockets, count down, and pretend to be an astronaut! We will focus on the letters R, S and Z. Shape of the month is a star, color is yellow and numbers 7 and 17. Look at the night sky with your child and imagine what it would be like to touch the sky!
Kids love to put their hands in squishy play dough! Play dough is beneficial in so many ways. Fine motor development; they are building up strength in all the tiny hand muscles and tendons, which helps them be ready for pencil and scissor control. Imagination and creativity; they can make whatever they want and how they want! It is so fun to hear about what they are creating. Snakes, dinosaurs, cookies, cupcakes and the list goes on. Discussing what has been made helps build communication skills and develops imagination. Receiving praise and compliments for their work helps children develop their self-esteem and confidence. They have fun and don't even realize they are actually learning! |
October 2024
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