We played mitten memory. We practiced taking turns, flipping the cards so everyone was able to see, and saying the letters selected. As a group we practiced some counting; we selected a mitten and took turns putting mini erasers on each mitten.
We made a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows! We used peppermint, cocoa, and paint. They really enjoyed smelling the peppermint!
We made "icicles" using pipe cleaners and pony beads.
We created beautiful winter paintings using paint, glue, and Epsom salt. The kids loved seeing the colors mix! The Epsom salt looks like ice crystals.
We used lacing letters to mix in with our play dough. Playing with play dough helps strengthen fine motor skills in many ways. All that rolling, squeezing, pinching and cutting is excellent for strengthening those little hands and fingers. I observed the kiddos while playing with the play dough and there was so much going on with open ended play. I heard them discussing upper and lower case, sorting colors, finding letters in their names, and counting. Learning through play is an amazing way for little ones to learn!
I love hearing about what they are building or making. One day while using the hot cocoa sensory bin a little guy built "power lines" with the brown block counters. He also made a candy cane farm with the pipe cleaners.
Have a fantastic weekend!