Today created a sprout experiment! We cut the off the bottom of a sweet potato, placed toothpicks in the potato and placed potato in a cup with water. They reached observed the sweet potato and we drew our observations for week one! We discussed what may happen over the next few weeks.
I created the forest floor using beans, paper leafs and mini rainforest animals. We discussed there are many treasures hiding on the rainforest floor. The kids took turns searching for a hidden treasure, a jewell. We colored the letter J coloring page and each child chose where they wanted to place their jewell. Some kids hid the jewell under leafs others chose to just place the jewell on their page and not hide!
For fine motore we traced our names and glued the letter Jj in our fine motor journals.
We read two books about the rainforest today, If I ran the Rainforest by Dr. Suess and The Umbrella by Jan Brett.
We are so excited for our adventure through the rainforest!