We had a fun filled week playing games, reading, practicing scissor skills and exploring our new Christmas sensory bin!
Sensory bins let children explore and use their imaginations. They also work on so many fine motor skills! Pinching, pouring, sorting and scooping. I even added some literacy and they don't even realize they are actually learning!! The pretended the square letter beads were presents under their trees.
This week we used a dice, taking turns rolling, and we decorated the Christmas tree with pom poms with the number on the dice; the kiddos could use their fingers or tongs to place the pom pom on the tree. We have been working on number recognition and counting. For the kiddos that can identify numbers we have been working on the ability to subitize. Subitizing is the ability to recognize a small group of objects without counting. I gave each child a number and then I would hold up a card with circles. The child with the matching number of circles would hold up their card. Using dice is also a great way to to learn to instantly recognize quantity.